Discover what really happens in sex therapy

Discover what really happens in sex therapy. In sex therapy, specialized experts work with individuals or couples to address a variety of issues related to sexuality and relationships. Here’s an overview of what typically occurs in a sex therapy session:

  1. Initial assessment
    • History taking: A thorough evaluation of the patient’s sexual, relational, and medical history is conducted.
    • Goals: Together, the therapist and the patient define the specific goals of therapy.
  2. Education and information
    • Anatomy and physiology: Explanation of the physical and biological aspects of sexuality.
    • Sexual response cycle: Understanding the phases of sexual excitement and orgasm.
    • Myths and realities: Debunking common misconceptions about sexuality.
  3. Techniques and practical exercises
    • Communication exercises: Learning to express sexual desires and needs clearly and respectfully.
    • Sensate focus exercises: Techniques to reconnect with bodily sensations and reduce performance anxiety.
    • Relaxation and breathing exercises: Reducing stress and anxiety related to sexual performance.
  4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
    • Identification of negative thoughts: Recognizing and modifying dysfunctional thoughts regarding sexuality.
    • Behavior modification: Adopting more positive and constructive behaviors.
  5. Work on relationships
    • Conflict resolution: Techniques for managing disagreements and improving conflict resolution.
    • Intimacy building: Exercises to strengthen emotional and physical intimacy.
  6. Treatment of sexual disorders
    • Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, libido issues, sexual pain: Specific strategies and techniques to manage these issues.
  7. Exploration of traumas and past experiences
    • Sexual abuse, negative experiences: Addressing past traumas and experiences that affect current sexuality.
  8. Planning and follow-up
    • Action plan: Developing a personalized plan to achieve therapeutic goals.
    • Follow-up and evaluation: Regular assessment of progress and adjustment of therapeutic techniques as needed.

Benefits of sex therapy

  • For couples: Improved communication, conflict resolution, intimacy enhancement, increased sexual satisfaction.
  • For individuals: Better self-understanding, increased self-confidence, reduction of anxiety and stress, improvement of overall well-being.

In summary, sex therapy offers a holistic approach to improving sexual and relationship satisfaction by addressing psychological, emotional, and physical aspects of sexuality. If you’re experiencing difficulties in this area, sex therapy can be a solution to help you overcome these obstacles and regain a fulfilling sense of well-being.